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implements StateObject

A StateRegion belongs to a State and contains a Region that has a special meaning for its owner State. For example, there may be text in this Region that doesn't appear in any other State.

Fields (see StateObject for details)

private String name

private Region searchRegion

private StateEnum ownerStateName

private int staysVisibleAfterClicked
There may be a case where the expected contents of a StateRegion change when it is clicked. This is however not yet implemented as it is a rare condition, but can be set and used by an application if necessary.

private int probabilityExists Also not yet implemented. The current version assumes StateRegions always exist.

private int timesActedOn

private Position position

private Anchors anchors

private String mockText No longer used and will be removed in the next version. This field was previously used, when not empty, to supersede the random generation of text by the mock GetText functions. The recommended way now to set specific expected Strings is by adding GetText MatchSnapshots when creating the StateRegion.

private MatchHistory matchHistory


public int x() returns searchRegion.x.

public int y() returns searchRegion.y.

public int w() returns searchRegion.w.

public int h() returns searchRegion.h.

public boolean defined() returns true if 'searchRegion' is defined.

public void addTimesActedOn() increments 'timesActedOn' by 1.

public void addSnapshot(MatchSnapshot matchSnapshot)

Builder Methods

public Builder called(String name)

public Builder withSearchRegion(Region searchRegion)

public Builder inState(StateEnum stateName)

public Builder setPointLocation(Position position)

public Builder addAnchor(Position.Name definedRegionBorder, Position location)

public Builder addSnapshot(MatchSnapshot matchSnapshot)

public StateRegion build()